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We ask for your support -
Yes, there may be several environment-friendly ventures out there. But, we ask you to invest in Zunsol because rather than creating something from imagination; we are striving to bring to life an idea that already exists, with the potential to transform food production, and human lives everywhere.
About Us
Our mission is to educate ourselves and others on current and new viable, innovative and sustainable solutions to improve society through shared communication and action.
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Why Zunsol?
Zunsol is a company created to promote sustainable food production and the creators of a sustainable subterranean aquaponic greenhouse of their very own design.
As the world battles against malnutrition, scarcity, and the growing rate of resource depletion, we wished to come up with a way to enhance food production while leaving a minimal to no ecological footprint.
- Follow us and be apart of the journey -
Zunsol is a company created to promote sustainable food production; we are Zunsol, the creators of a sustainable subterranean GAHT aquaponic greenhouse.