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We are Building Something New

A Revolution Is Happening In How We Grow To Feed People

If we think only in a straight line, then we only ever get the solutions that are already in front of us. Lateral thinking is like what Nintendo and Gunpei Yokoi did with the Game Boy – and we’ve seen how successful that has become.

Now we’ve not designed the next generation handheld games console. But what we’re doing can make a huge difference in the lives of many people.

Here at Zunsol, we think differently. And we’re inviting you to think differently with us. In farming, we’re at the mercy of outside factors – sun, rain, the quality of the soil. And with resources being depleted at an alarming rate, something different has to happen.

This problem got us thinking…

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What if we could develop a greenhouse that wasn’t dependent on all of these factors? What if that idea could be turned into something we could actually make? What if that could then help other people? Where would we put the Nobel Prize we won for the invention?

OK, we’ve gotten ahead of ourselves a bit there…

But the greenhouse idea really sparked our imagination. As farmers, we know how hard it is to produce what people want and need.

And we came up with an innovative solution that will change the face of farming forever. We're calling for your eye, and time. The more we engage the more we bring together and make a lasting change.

How Does The Zunsol Greenhouse Work?

We’ve actually made a prototype Zunsol greenhouse to see how it all works. The good news is, that this section is practical rather than theory. We’re using the greenhouse now to great effect. This is what we came up with.

Our revolutionary greenhouse uses multiple methods to ensure that we can produce sustainable farming in a time where scarcity of resources is coming into sharp focus -


Using nutrient rich aquaculture to feed plants.


Making use of water-based mineral nutrient solutions.


Growing plants in an air/mist environment without the use of soil or aggregate.

But that’s not all (you didn’t expect that to be it, did you?). Waste is something that we’re always aware of as farmers. But don’t worry – we’ve already got that base covered. All waste from the greenhouse is to be used in our compost digester allowing it to be reintroduced as fertilizer. Waste not, want not and all that…

And now for the technical bit -

We use a GATH system, which to the likes of you and us means Ground to Air Heat Transfer. Our 15" main-inlet pipes to 500 feet of 6' tubes under the building for cooling and heating - this is being used to heat and cool and circulate the air.

And Why Does That Matter?

It’s easy to put your backing to a next-gen games console. You know you’re going to get hours and hours of enjoyment out of it. It’s much more difficult to give your backing to…

…a greenhouse…

…no matter how innovative, And then there’s the small matter of the innovation. Unless you’re into greenhouses (and we mean really into greenhouses) then you probably won’t understand aeroponics, GATH systems and whether a 15” main-inlet pipe is better for this project than a 10” main-inlet pipe.

And we get that. We really do.

But here at Zunsol, we’re all about breaking lines. At the end of the day, one of the basic human needs is food. And we’re reaching a point where this could become a scarce resource. That’s a scary future.

But it doesn’t have to be.

When we work together (like the tech and growing methods in the greenhouse), the world really can become something amazing. That’s the next step in our little project that can make a big difference. Innovation comes in many forms. We’re looking to you to become part of our community and drive a change that can make a difference to millions of lives in the future.

Our lateral app roach to farming is what makes Zunsol different from the rest. And we’re looking to develop our next-level greenhouse to help more and more people. The world is facing a food crisis over the next few decades with more mouths to feed and fewer resources to do it. We’re looking to make a change that helps millions.

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Become part of the Zunsol community and let’s see where we can take this.